Bash – A script’s background process is still alive after closing the terminal


This is more of a process management/signal handling question than a Bash question. It just uses Bash to explain the issue.

I'm running a Bash script in which I run a background process.
This is the script:


# ...

# The background process
  while :; do
    sleep 1 && echo foo >> /path/to/some/file.txt
} &

# ...

exit 0

I do NOT run the script itself in the background. Simply ./script.

The "huponexit" shell option is enabled using shopt -s huponexit, therefore when the terminal is being closed I expect it to send a HUP signal to Bash, which will propagate it until it reaches the background process. If the background process will not trap and ignore the signal, it will be killed too – but this is not happening. The background process acts as if it was disown'ed.

This is a scheme I draw to illustrate the issue. The scheme, along with the description above, can be wrong as I'm sure I do not understand the subject well enough. Please fix me on that if it is truly the case.

enter image description here

I want to know why the background process is not being killed after closing the terminal, as if it was invoked by an interactive shell like that:

rany@~/Desktop$ while :; do sleep 1 && echo foo >> /path/to/some/file.txt; done &

I'm not sure but I guess that the answer to my question lies in the fact that Bash fork()s a non-interactive shell to run the script which might have a different set of rules for job control and signal handling.

Best Answer

So what does the man page tell us about huponexit?

If the huponexit shell option has been set with shopt, bash sends a SIGHUP to all jobs when an interactive login shell exits.

EDIT: Emphasizing that it is a LOGIN shell.

EDIT 2: interactive deserves equal emphasis

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