Background transparency for Gnome Terminal


I'm trying to have transparency working for Gnome Terminal.

However this is what I get when I try to edit the profile of gnome-temrinal: there's no background tab where I can set the opacity !?

enter image description here

I am using NixOs, this is what I have in my pkgs.nix file:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    # ...
    gnome3.gconf    # I have put it just in case it could help

Any idea what I should install or configure so as to unlock the background transparency option ?

Best Answer

The GNOME terminal FAQ states:

How can I make the terminal transparent?

Since version 3.7 (NixOS master currently contains version 3.26) this option has been removed from the Preferences dialogue. You can however still get the same effect by setting the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY X property, for example with the Devil's Pie or Devil's Pie II tools. E.g., set up Devil's Pie to start automatically with the session, and create the file ~/.devilspie/gnome-terminal.ds with these contents:

(if (matches (window_name) "gnome-terminal-window-*") (opacity 90) )

You can also use this shell script that however only works for existing terminal windows and not automatically for newly created ones. -

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