Awk or sed, move first column to end

awksedtext processing

I have a text file separated by space as follows. I need to re-arrange the columns so that the first column is at the end of each line.

I have an idea of how this could be done using cut -d' ' f1 but I'm wondering if there is an easy way with awk or sed.

Text File:

™️       trade mark
ℹ️       information
↔️..↙️    left-right arrow..down-left arrow
↩️..↪️    right arrow curving left..left arrow curving right
⌚..⌛    watch..hourglass done
⌨️       keyboard
⏏️       eject button
⏩..⏳    fast-forward button..hourglass not done
⏸️..⏺️    pause button..record button
Ⓜ️       circled M
▪️..▫️    black small square..white small square
▶️       play button
◀️       reverse button

Want symbol list to follow description instead.

Best Answer

Use sed

sed 's/\([^ ]*\) *\(.*\)/\2 \1/' infile

This \([^ ]*\) will match everything until a non-space characters seen.
The parentheses \(...\) is used to made a group matching which its index would be \1.

The \(.*\) matches everything after first group and it's indexed \2.
The * in \(...\) *\(...\) out of matched groups will ignore to print in output which is matching spaces between group 1 and 2, you could use \s* (with GNU sed) or [[:space:]]* (standardly) instead to match any spacing characters instead of just ASCII SPC as well.

Then at the end first we are printing matched group2 than group1 with a space between.

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