Awk filtering live capture with file as pattern list

awktext processingtshark

What I'm trying to do is quite simple. I'm generating output from tshark and redirecting it to awk with a pipe |. Since tshark gets live data, I want that awk search in every output for a pattern (some MAC addresses that I already have) in the first column in a file ("target.txt") and, if there's a match, awk should output the first and second column from this file.

Example from target.txt:


To make it all easier, my tshark output has only 2 columns, and the MAC address column is the second one.

1 line of tshark output is like:

Jun 16, 2014 02:55:51.300286000 12:34:56:78:90:10 
           ^^^^- date and MAC are separated by tab!

So if tshark finds 12:34:56:78:90:10, awk will output

12:34:56:78:90:10 -> You

or even better:

Jun 16, 2014 02:55:51.300286000 12:34:56:78:90:10 -> You


Well, I did some tests and find out that tsharks output is separated by tab \t. It's not a big deal, but already a small improvement. The thing is, I got samples from tshark output and tested with Gnoucs answer through a echo command before the pipe | . It worked. Then I changed the echo for tshark and everything stopped working =).

Is it a problem with the live data or something like that? Here's my code until now:

$ tshark -I -i wlan0 -T fields -e radiotap.dbm_antsignal -e | awk -F'[ ,\t]' '
     FNR == NR { a[$1] = $2 }
     ($NF in a) { print $0" -> "a[$NF] }
 ' alvos.txt -

well, it just worked! It was probably a typo.
Thanks for all answers!

Best Answer

Try this:

$ awk -F'[ ,\t]' '
    FNR == NR { a[$1] = $2 }
    ($NF in a) { print $0" -> "a[$NF] }
' target.txt -


$ awk -F'[ ,\t]' '
    FNR == NR { a[$1] = $2 }
    ($NF in a) { print $0" -> "a[$NF] }
' target.txt -
Jun 16, 2014 02:55:51.300286000 12:34:56:78:90:10 # Ctrl + D here
Jun 16, 2014 02:55:51.300286000 12:34:56:78:90:10 -> You


  • -F[ ,\t]: we use comma, space or tab as field separators.
  • FNR == NR { a[$1] = $2 }: FNR == NR only true when processing first file. So with each line in target.txt, we save the second field to an associative array, with the first field (MAC address) is the index.
  • ($NF in a): When reading the input (- after target.txt causes awk reading from input), if the last field is in associative array a, we print the desired result.
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