Text Processing AWK Perl – How to Average Rows with Same First Column

awkperltext processing

Given a file with two columns:

Id  ht
510 69
510 67
510 65
510 62
510 59
601 29
601 26
601 21
601 20

I need a way to coalesce all rows with the same ID into one that has an average height. In this case, (69 + 67 + 65 + 62 + 59) / 5 = 64 and (29 + 26 + 21 + 20) / 4 = 24, so the output should be:

Id  Avg.ht
 510 64
 601 24

How can I do that using sed/awk/perl?

Best Answer

Using awk :

The input file

$ cat FILE
Id  ht
510 69
510 67
510 65
510 62
510 59
601 29
601 26
601 21
601 20

Awk in a shell :

$ awk '
        arr[$1]   += $2
        count[$1] += 1
        for (a in arr) {
            print "id avg " a " = " arr[a] / count[a]

Or with Perl in a shell :

$ perl -lane '
    END {
        foreach my $key (keys(%hash)) {
            print "id avg $key = " . $hash{$key} / $count{$key};
    if ($. > 1) {
        $hash{$F[0]}  += $F[1];
        $count{$F[0]} += 1;

Output is :

id avg 601 = 24
id avg 510 = 64.4

And last for the joke, a Perl dark-obfuscated one-liner =)

perl -lane'END{for(keys(%h)){print"$_:".$h{$_}/$c{$_}}}($.>1)&&do{$h{$F[0]}+=$F[1];$c{$F[0]}++}' FILE
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