Audible DRM Removal for personal use


I have a bunch of Audiobooks from Audible. I've made a complete switch from Windows to Linux but Audible do not support Linux. While there are some annoying ways around this I would like to convert my Audible books into Mp3 or Mp4 format.

Has anyone done this previously? Can anyone suggest a quick and easy way to make this conversion?

Should I go down the copy directly from the soundcard route?
or is there a way to remove DRM directly from the file itself?

I have absolutely no intention of sharing these files once they are converted. I like the service audible provide, and I don't mind paying for books that I want. I just want to be able to listen too them!

Best Answer

I've explored this path before and you'll find you have 2 options. You can run the Audible software under Wine, or you can run it natively inside a VM (VirtualBox) using Windows.

If you're interested in the Wine route take a look at the WineHQ page. Specifically this page, titled: Category: Main > Multimedia > Audio > AudibleManager.

Using this method you'll be extracting the .aa files out to CDs, from which you can extract .mp3 files. Your path is basically .wav to .mp3.

You can try saving an actual CD by buring them to a .iso file which you can then mount and rip down to .mp3's from there.

Because of the DRM the path is intentionally painful, making you perform various steps in a manual manner.


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