ATD Batch – Setting the Load Limiting Factor

atbatch jobsload

I am launching non interactive jobs using batch, and I would like to increase the load limiting factor in order to use all 8 of my cores. I am on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

From what I understand, batch uses atd to do the jobs. Jobs start when the load factor goes under a threshold, called the load limiting factor. It is said in the man of atd that we can change this factor using the -l option.

My question: how can I use this atd -l XX option? When I type, for instance, atd -l 7.2 before batch, it doesn't seem to be changing anything.

What I have found so far:

It seems that it can be introduced in the /etc/init.d/atd, but I do not know where. I have never changed such files.

So, how can I change the load limiting factor used by the batch command?

Best Answer

Found a solution:

  • Create a file: /etc/init/atd.override
  • Add a line exec atd -l 7.2
  • Then sudo service atd restart

It has to do with how the 'Upstart init daemon' works. Explanations there: If the file /etc/init/atd.override already exists with an line starting with exec, edit this line.

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