Makefile – Fix ‘Argument List Too Long’ Error


In a makefile, I have

@echo "$(IGNORE_DIRS) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(CLEAN_DIRS) $(REALCLEAN_FILES)" | tr ' ' '\n' >> $@

The problem is that $(CLEAN_FILES) is quite large, so when I run make, I get

make: execvp: /bin/sh: Argument list too long

I'm on Xubuntu 18.10.

Edit: I should provide a little more context. What I am working on is a make rule (I'm using GNU make) to automatically generate the .hgignore file. Here is the make rule in its entirety:

.hgignore : .hgignore_extra
    @echo "Making $@"
    @rm -f $@
    @echo "# Automatically generated by Make. Edit .hgignore_extra instead." > $@
    @tail -n +2 $< >> $@
    @echo "" >> $@
    @echo "# The following files come from the Makefile." >> $@
    @echo "syntax: glob" >> $@
    @echo "$(IGNORE_DIRS) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(CLEAN_DIRS) $(REALCLEAN_FILES)" | tr ' ' '\n' >> $@
    @chmod a-w $@
.PHONY : .hgignore

Edit 2: At @mosvy 's suggestion, I have also tried

.hgignore : .hgignore_extra
    @echo "Making $@"
    @rm -f $@
    @echo "# Automatically generated by Make. Edit .hgignore_extra instead." > $@
    @tail -n +2 $< >> $@
    @echo "" >> $@
    @echo "# The following files come from the Makefile." >> $@
    @echo "syntax: glob" >> $@
    $(file >$@) $(foreach V,$(IGNORE_DIRS) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(CLEAN_DIRS) $(REALCLEAN_FILES),$(file >>$@,$V))
    @chmod a-w $@
.PHONY : .hgignore

Running make .hgignore with this, I no longer get the "Argument list too long" error, but the generated .hgignore file only contains output up to the syntax: glob line, and then nothing after that.

Best Answer

As @schily has already explained, this is not a shell problem, and cannot be worked around with xargs, quoting, splitting into more echo's with ;, etc. All the text from a make action is passed as argument/s to a single execve(2), and it can't be longer than the maximum size allowed by the operating system.

If you're using GNU make (the default on linux), you can use its file and foreach functions:

TEST = $(shell yes foobar | sed 200000q)

        $(file >$@) $(foreach V,$(TEST),$(file >>$@,$V))

.PHONY: /tmp/junk

This will print all words from $(TEST) separated by newlines into the file named in $@. It's based on a similar example from make's manual.

Your Makefile could probably be reworked into something more manageable, that doesn't require fancy GNU features, but it's hard to tell how from the snippets you posted.


For the exact snippet from the question, something like this could do:

.hgignore : .hgignore_extra
    $(info Making $@)
    $(file >$
    $(file >>$,# Automatically generated by Make. Edit .hgignore_extra instead.)
    $(shell tail -n 2 $< >>$
    $(file >>$,)
    $(file >>$,# The following files come from the Makefile.)
    $(file >>$,syntax: glob)
    $(foreach L, $(IGNORE_DIRS) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(CLEAN_DIRS) $(REALCLEAN_FILES), $(file >>$,$L))
    @mv -f $ $@
    @chmod a-w $@
.PHONY : .hgignore

I've changed it a little, so it first writes into, and if everything goes well, only then move to .hgignore. You'll have to change back the indenting spaces to tabs, because this dumb interface is mangling whitespaces.

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