POSIX System Calls – Why Are UNIX/POSIX System Call Namings So Illegible?


What is the reason to use such untelling system call names like time and creat instead of getCurrentTimeSecs and createFile or, maybe more suitable on Unix get_current_time_secs and create_file. Which brings me to the next point: why should someone want something like cfsetospeed without camel case or at least underscores to make it readable? Of course the calls would have more characters but we all know that readability of code is more important right?

Best Answer

It's due to the technical constraints of the time. The POSIX standard was created in the 1980s and referred to UNIX, which was born in the 1970. Several C compilers at that time were limited to identifiers that were 6 or 8 characters long, so that settled the standard for the length of variable and function names.

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