Are there any multiformat image viewers, which are similar to feh and can show SVG files


At the moment I'm working with a lot of SVG files and I don't have a good tool to inspect this files.

Normally I use feh to take a look at an image, but feh can't show SVG files.
Now I'm looking for a replacement. The replacement should have all the features of feh and should be able to open SVG files.
Especially the following features are mandatory

  • simple feh like GUI
  • the tool should be designed for the use in a shell
  • $command ~/image1.svg image2.jpg should only open these two files not the directory ~/
  • support multiple image formats
  • small memory footprint and not to many dependencies

I know the Eye of GNOME (eog) does all this, but it is a GNOME tool and as such it needs to many GNOME dependencies.

Best Answer

With recent versions of feh, you should be able to do feh --conversion-timeout 1 file.svg.

Simple way to make feh work with everything is to create an alias on that, so it either natively display the file if it's a normal image .png, '.jpg' etc, or converts it if it's an SVG.

alias feh='feh --conversion-timeout 1'

Note that you need to have imagemagick installed on your system for it to work.