Apt-get install fails with error “Unable to locate package”


I'm getting the error message that the system is not able to locate the package kamailio.

I navigated the repo on that site and I can see that there is a kamailio package, but it's located under http://repo.pouf.org/raspbian/pool/main/k/

I've also tried to change the sources.list file to read:

deb http://repo.pouf.org/raspbian/dists/ wheezy main

But that didn't fix the issue.

Best Answer

Looks like you just haven't updated your package lists, this is missing from the link that you gave -

sudo apt-get update

This should download the list files from the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt-get install knows what packages to look for.

Note also that you should do this regularly as the repository will change over time. In particularly do it before installing software if it hasn't been done for a while!

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