Apache2 permissions issue


I have changed my DocumentRoot to /home/user/www. To achieve that I have just changed the 2 occurrences of the path at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.

The permissions of /home/user/www are 0774. I have added the www-data user to my user's group and the owner of /home/user/www is my own user and group (user:user).

I have done that by:

sudo chmod -R 0774 www
sudo chown -R user:user www
sudo adduser www-data user

The problem is that Apache can't write to this directory. It can write only if I set www-data as owner, but if I do that, I can't write at the directory.

I have tested the permissions with:

sudo -u www-data ls /home/user/www
sudo -u www-data cat /home/user/www/some-file

and it works.

But the WordPress I have at www can't delete or create files. Any ideas?

Best Answer

You would have been better off with the www directory at /var/www, with owner www-data and group www-data, and adding your user to the www-data group.

First, change the DocumentRoot etc back to /var/www in the apache config.

The /var/www directory (and all subdirectories in it) should be setgid, so that files and dirs are created with group www-data.

All of the following should be run as root, or with sudo:

mkdir -p /var/www

if there were any files in /home/user/www that you want to keep, move them to /var/www now with:

mv /home/user/www/* /var/www/

Now fix the permissions and ownership of the /var/www directory.

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
chmod -R 775 /var/www
find /var/www -type d -print0 | xargs -0r chmod g+s
adduser user www-data

The next time 'user' logins in (or runs newgrp www-data), they should have write permission in /var/www

BTW, if you want to make it easy for 'user' to find the web files, just make a symlink in their home directory:

 ln -s /var/www/ /home/user/
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