Apache – Custom OpenSSL engine when running within Apache via mod_ssl


I modified my openssl.cnf to specify a custom engine for some operations. It works fine if I go through the openssl binary directly, but if I load libssl from another program it doesn't seem to use that configuration file at all, so my engine isn't available. I ultimately want the engine to be usable from Apache via mod_ssl. I think I can use the SSLCryptoDevice Apache configuration directive to specify which engine to use, but since it's not reading my OpenSSL configuration, it's not loading my custom engine, so it's not available for use. Is there some way to tell OpenSSL (either directly or, probably, through Apache) to load my engine?

Best Answer

Figured it out. If you build mod_ssl with -DOPENSSL_LOAD_CONF, it will load the configuration file the same as the openssl binary (I assume the binary is built with the same flag)

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