Apache – 403 Forbidden, Tried everything


So currently I am getting the 403 forbidden error. I have tried everything that I could possible think of. It was working a couple of days ago however it has stopped working now. I have tried everything from adding:

Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Require all granted

Which is on all of my vhosts. Also I have tried chmod +x each of the sites main directory. So right now I am stumped, I have looked everywhere trying to figure out why it is happening.

AH01630: client denied by server configuration:

Is what I am getting on every attempt to access one of the sites. I'm guessing this is what I expect from using an old PPC G5 mac as a server running YDL which I went ahead and compiled everything from source myself -.-

Best Answer

I recently ran into this issue with an Alias entry I was using to include a directory into my server configuration. I resolved the issue by sym-linking the directory into the correct place in the directory tree.

Do check the error log.

Some Linux distribution run the web server as www-data. Verify which id is used and sudo to that account to check directory permissions. It can help to have a file in the directory you can try to retrieve in case directory indexing is disabled.

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