Alternative of pdfinfo to display author and title


I am using pdfinfo to display the title name and author of pdf files. But for some pdf files, it's not working. It's showing all other info like creation date,modification date,pagesize etc except title of the paper and authors name. Is there any alternative way to retrieve these info? I have used:

pdfinfo filename

Best Answer

For pdfinfo to display the title, it must be specified in the metadata field title. The title that it displays it's not the pdf "physical" filename if that is what you're trying to get.

Use a graphic explorer to view the file properties and in the metadata tab make sure you have a title. In the image bellow you can see that they can have different values

enter image description here

Edit: For an alternative to pdfinfo you can use exiftool to read/write files metadata. For example to get title and author you could do this:

exiftool -Title -Author input.pdf
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