OpenSuse Inittab – How to Add Item to Inittab on OpenSuse 12.1?


I am currently working on a project which needs to be added to inittab so that the program loads during startup.

The program that I am trying to start is a c# mono application. I have created a start script and if the start script is run manually the program launches fine. However, when I put it into inittab the program doesn't launch.

I've checked in /var/log/messages but it doesn't say anything is wrong, it just says that it is reloading.

Below is what I have added to my inittab script


Thanks for any help you can provide

Below is the code in the start script which is located in /home/bits/MyProgram.


cd /home/bits/MyProgram

/usr/bin/mono EmailServer.exe "$@"

I have also tried adding > mylog.txt onto the end of the line beginning with /usr/bin/mono e.g.

/usr/bin/mono EmailServer.exe "$@" > mylog.txt

If I run the start script manually, even if I am not in the directory where the start script is located it works fine, its just when I add it to inittab and run telinit q it never starts and the log isn't written to but the log does get written to if I start the program manually.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Best Answer

The problem is simple, you are using OpenSuse 12.1 which uses systemd instead of your classic System V boot system.

To install a new service place create following file in /etc/systemd/system/myprogname.service

Description=My progname service file



Aftwards run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl start myprogname.service

If you want to automatically restart MyProgname you have to add


to the service section.

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