Activating colors in links2 (text mode)


I can't seem to see colors in links2 (text mode), even after playing with my TERM settings. The links2 manpage and README.Debian don't specifically address this issue. Also, command-line options like -html-t-text-color are not recognized in my links2. But I can start and see colors in graphics mode (-g).

My eventual goal is to convert HTML syntax-highlighted document (e.g. JSON or Perl, Javascript, etc) and display them in terminals using ANSI codes for colors.

My platform: Debian Wheezy+Sid AMD64. Terminal emulators used: Konsole (4.6.5). Colors (including 256 colors) work normal for other programs, including emacs and mc.

Any pointers? Thanks in advance. I don't mind using other text-based browsers which support color.

Best Answer

If the binary doesn't support the flags advertised by the manpage, check if you are actually executing the right binary. Other links packages or the alternatives system may be interfering.

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