Ubuntu – Zenity script: dismiss window with close (x) button or Esc


Following this solution I have a zenity script to ask me what to do when clicking an executable script in Thunar or a desktop file in Pantheon Files:


zenity --question --text="What to do?" \
       --ok-label=Run \

case $? in
    0)thunar "$1"
    1)gedit $1

And it shows this:

enter image description here

But there is a small glitch: you cannot dismiss the dialog at this point: using close window button, Esc or Alt+F4 equates to the --cancel-label option in the script and will open the file in text editor.

How could I edit the script so that when Esc is pressed the zenity windows would close without farther action?

Edit after comment:

I have got this in a comment:

either let the –question dialog –timeout to get a third return value (5)

Indeed, --timeout=4 will close the dialog after that number of secs.

or you can go for multiple choice dialog by –list –radiolist

What does that mean?

Best Answer

Simple example of a radiolist

There is a simple example of a radiolist in this link,


Example with --list

I think it is easier to use a simple list (with the option --list but without --radiolist)

$ ans=$(zenity  --list  --title "What to do?"  --column "What to do?" Run Edit 2> /dev/null); echo "ans=$ans"
$ ans=$(zenity  --list  --title "What to do?"  --column "What to do?" Run Edit 2> /dev/null); echo "ans=$ans"
$ ans=$(zenity  --list  --title "What to do?"  --column "What to do?" Run Edit 2> /dev/null); echo "ans=$ans"

enter image description here