Ubuntu – Zeitgeist does not index folders in NTFS partition


I am using Synapse + Unity Dash for searching and it seems that neither of these can index folders I've accessed in my NTFS partition. I believe this is because Zeitgeist does not index folders, and locate (which Synapse uses, I believe) does not touch my NTFS drive.

So in short, is there any way to index my NTFS partition ? In such a way that it is accessible via locate. Or perhaps make Zeitgeist index folders as well?

As of now, Dash gives results from NTFS partition, but there are no folders in the result. On the other hand, locate gives me folders, but only on the native ubuntu partition.

Best Answer

Dash is using the index database created by locate. To make locate to index and show file on an NTFS partition, you should edit the file /etc/updatedb.conf, and change the line

PRUNEPATHS="/tmp /var/spool /media"


PRUNEPATHS="/tmp /var/spool"

This works if your NTFS partition is mounted on a mountpoint under /media (highly probable).

To update immediately the locate database, run

sudo updatedb