Ubuntu – Xubuntu 16.04 doesn’t boot; hangs after fsck


I have just installed xubuntu 16.04LTS on a Dell Inspiron Mini as a dual-boot with Windows 7.

When I booted it up for the first time yesterday, it worked fine. Today, however, I see the following:

/dev/sda5: recovering journal
/dev/sda5: clean, 174140/6045696 files, 1444115/24179712 blocks

I've consulted multiple other questions, such as Startup problem in 16.04 lts?, My Ubuntu is running fsck on every bootup, and Linux hanging at boot after fsck, which suggest that fsck is running on every boot or I have missing drivers, but none of them were exactly the same problem as I had.

However, in the problems concerning fsck, there is simply an irritating delay. Here it is stuck with this screen indefinitely, as far as I can tell. I've been waiting for quite a while now, and there hasn't been any change.

Do you have any possible solutions? Thanks.

Best Answer

Hold Right-Shift to access GRUB-bootloader. Go to advanced options and start recovery-mode. When recovery mode menu opens, select to continue normal boot. Now if you get to login open terminal and type sudo nano /etc/default/grub

This is what I did.

  1. I changed "splash quiet" part to "nomodeset radeon.modeset=0 systemd.recover_state=0" if I'm correct nomodeset deals with intel or nvidia cards, could work with ati too. I have old ati card so radeon.modeset=0 seemed right but I did not play with these more to be really sure.

  2. save file in nano by pressing ctrl+o and then exit ctrl+x

  3. back in terminal again run sudo update-grub

Now try to do normal reboot by sudo reboot and see if this got your system booting normally.

ps. So maybe the problem is with display drivers??