Ubuntu – wmctrl – focus most recent window of an app


I've created some shortcuts mimicking the Unity's Mod4 + num behavior.

wmctrl -xa Sublime || subl

What I don't like, is that once sublime is running, it always focuses the first opened window. I'd like to focus the last "focused" window. Same as in Unity. Is there a flag for that?

Best Answer

This script does what you want:


workspace=$(wmctrl -d | grep '\*' | cut -d ' ' -f1)
win_list=$(wmctrl -lx | grep $app | grep " $workspace " | awk '{print $1}')

IDs=$(xprop -root|grep "^_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING" | tr "," " ")

for (( idx=${#IDs[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )) ; do
    for i in $win_list; do
        if [ $((i)) = $((IDs[idx])) ]; then
            wmctrl -ia $i
            exit 0

exit 1

EDIT: This script always focuses on the last focused window, as opposed to cycling through the windows in the order they were opened.

EDIT 2: I modified the script (turns out wmctrl and xprop use slightly different formats for displaying hexadecimal numbers).

EDIT 3: app name should be taken from the 3rd column of wmctrl -lx to avoid certain conflicts.

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