Ubuntu – “Wireless disabled by hardware switch” after suspend and other hardware buttons ineffective – how can I solve this


I have recently purchased a Novatech nFinity N1410 laptop and am having problems with the wireless, which

sudo lshw -C network 

tells me is Centrino Wireless-N 2230 and using the iwlwifi driver.

The problem is that after the device has been suspended, I am not able to get the wireless working again without a restart. The network indicator states that the wireless disabled by hardware switch.

Though Fn+F2 is meant to be the wireless switch,


tells me that the system doesn't see it as anything at all when I press this hardware combination. Also, though the brightness up/down buttons work fine, the volume up/down buttons do not work either.

What can I do to fix this? I am running Ubuntu 12.10 with all available updates installed.

Best Answer

I've been looking into buying one of these and have been looking for potential problems, looks like your solution can be found in the novatech forums:

  1. Simply created a new file called brcm.sh
  2. Inserted the below code and save:

    # Simple bash script to fix resume from suspend issues...
    # Place this script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/
    # then chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/brcm.sh
    case $1 in
        /sbin/modprobe -r brcm80211
        /sbin/modprobe -r brcm80211
        /sbin/modprobe brcm80211
        /sbin/modprobe brcm80211
  3. Placed it in /etc/pm/sleep.d/

  4. Made it executable:

    sudo chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/brcm.sh

Source: http://forum.novatech.co.uk/showthread.php?25709-nFinity-N1411-solved-Ubuntu-12-10-install-and-wifi-wake-from-suspend&p=331411