Ubuntu – Windows-manger not working? I can’t see the maximize, minimize and close buttons


I did something that I don't know and for some reason now I can't click the maximize, minimize and close buttons even resize the window, the title bar just fixes at the top without these buttons and I can't move the window too.

window cannot be closed


What should I do to be able to see the title bar with the buttons again?

EDIT: what i want the window is look like this not the above one.

enter image description here

Best Answer

It happens when the windows-manager is not working. The windows-manager should automatically restart if its process is terminated, but sometimes it don't happen. I first would recommend the system reboot, so the windows-manager would be started automatically by the own system. If it did not happened you could try to run it manually from the Terminal, with the following command:

$ compiz


$ compiz --replace
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