Ubuntu – Windows CMD for Linux

bashcommand linefish

Let us assume that I am not in my right mind, as no one who has used a good shell like bash, fish or oh (or any of the other shells listed here) would want this.

Nevertheless, seeing as one can have bash on Windows, has anyone tried to create CMD.EXE for Linux? If so, where can I get it from, and if not, why hasn't anyone done this?

I'm asking here because Google searches make assumptions about what I'm asking (probably because no one in their right mind would ask in the first place.)

Best Answer

You can download Wine (https://www.winehq.org/) and use the Windows command line tool there that the Wine team has created. However, you will have to go digging through the .wine directory a bit, naturally, to find and execute it as it's in $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe if memory serves.