Windows 8 Won’t Boot via GRUB After Ubuntu Install – Fix

boot-repairdual-bootuefiwindows 8

I've just purchased a new Acer Aspire V3-771G laptop which came pre-installed with windows 8.

I shrunk the main windows partition and installed Ubuntu 12.10. I then had to run boot-repair to be able to boot to Ubuntu. Here's the pasted report.

This worked and I could now boot Ubuntu and it provided me with 3 other entries which should supposedly allow me to boot back to windows 8. However when trying these menu entries I get the following errors:

Windows UEFI bkpbootmgfw.efi

file path: /ACPI(a0341d0,0)/PCI(2,1f)/UnknownMessaging(12)
error: cannot load image.

Windows Boot UEFI loader

file path: /ACPI(a0341d0,0)/PCI(2,1f)/UnknownMessaging(12)
error: cannot load image.


file path: /ACPI(a0341d0,0)/PCI(2,1f)/UnknownMessaging(12)
error: cannot load image.

I have looked in the /boot/efi partition and the .efi files listed in grub are there but I always get this error.

Best Answer

You can try this:

  1. Run Boot-Repair --> Advanced Options --> tick Restore EFI backups --> Apply.
  2. Then in your BIOS, in the Boot order menu, select the Windows entry. It should boot Windows. To boot Ubuntu, you then need to select the Ubuntu entry in your BIOS.