Ubuntu – Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 Dual boot, Grub not showing!

12.04dual-bootgrub2windows 7

I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 alongside with Windows 7. Everything is fine until i want to enter Ubuntu. When I start my pc, after normal boot, there is no Grub or OS Selection menu, and my system loads straight into Windows 7.

Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks!

Best Answer

Temporary Solution

When you start your pc keep Left Shift pressed. it will show you the grub

Permanent solution

If you get to start ubuntu by the temp soln then to make boot permanently show the grub-
Open startup manager(install it if it isnt installed from sofware center)

Change the value for timeout- pref 5 - 10 secs

Default OS - Whatever you want

enter image description here

Rest leave everything as it(you can edit that if you want to)
if that does not work install boot-repair via ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install boot-repair

This worked for me should work for you too

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