Ubuntu – Windows 10 remote desktop to Ubuntu 16.04 Unity

remminaremote desktopsshunityvnc

The Ubuntu 16.04 and 14.04 default desktop environment is Unity. How can you remotely connect to it from a Windows 10 client?

The xRDP-over-XFCE solution is not the answer. We really want to use Unity.

I've tried various VNC solutions. None seems to work anymore. If somebody can confirm which one still works and how you set it up, it will be greatly appreciated.

The Remmina client with VNC via ssh tunnel works well from Ubuntu to Ubuntu. Is there any reason it can't be built for windows? Does Remmina depend on GTK+ features which are not available on Windows?

Best Answer

I think that you can use "Desktop share" to remotely connect it from win10 client. you only need to do the following steps:

  1. sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
  2. Check org > gnome > desktop > remote-access > enabled uncheck org > gnome > desktop > remote-access > require-encryption
  3. Use ”Desktop sharing” set the password for vnc, and uncheck “You must confirm each access to this machine”.
  4. Check the port: netstat –an|grep 5900

I hope that it is helpful for you.

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