Kernel – Will Ubuntu Point Releases Include a New Linux Kernel?


Now that Kernel 3.6 has been officially released, I'm wondering if the next Ubuntu point release will include the new Kernel?

Best Answer

12.04.2 includes Kernel 3.5 along with a newer Xorg, as part of the hardware enablement package, which is available here:

Do note that the Ubuntu image ISOs are also updated to use the new stack, so if you are doing new installations and want to keep the released 12.04 stack, you need to install from the older ISOs. These kernel upgrades are also not offered as part of normal upgrades, so there's no need to worry that you'll be upgraded from one major kernel version to the other. See the wiki page for more information.

The 3.2 kernel released with 12.04 will continue to be maintained for the life time (5 years) of precise. (and also Debian Wheezy)

This is a new policy. The decision to have such a updated kernel and Xorg was decided at the 2012 Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) in Oakland.

The most exciting feature about 3.5 (IMHO), Seccomp2, is part of the Precise 3.2 kernel.