Ubuntu – Will Ubuntu non-carrier phones be available


I live in India, where CDMA technology (where you can't change your SIM card, and you have to stick with one service provider once you buy the phone) is not popular. GSM is the general trend. I am really really keen on buying an Ubuntu phone. But so far, i have only heard of phones shipping Ubuntu along with a carrier (which i believe is the same as the service provider), and i'm wondering if canonical will ship Ubuntu phones, without any carriers, in which you can insert your own SIM card? I've wanted the Ubuntu phone to be my first smartphone. Now, if Ubuntu phone is going to release in April, 2014, and that too, without GSM capability, i don't know if I should wait for it to release. I want Ubuntu Phone to be my first smartphone, but if the wait isn't really worth it, should i go ahead with another phone now?

Best Answer

According to the Ubuntu Edge website (Which I think you are referring to), the Ubuntu phone is unlocked. As such, it is open to any carrier. ALL these phones will be non-carrier specific. Now the problem here is that I doubt that the project is going to go ahead, because funding does seem insignificant. Anyway, you can read more up on the Ubuntu phone here:


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