Will Installing Ubuntu Harm a Computer with Windows 7

11.10windows 7wubi

I installed Ubuntu using wubi on hp dv6-6135dx.

When I boot into Ubuntu, I get a black screen.

The wireless light turns blue after a while, meaning Ubuntu has loaded the driver, but the screen stays turned off.

When I first booted into Wubi I got a black screen with white screen with text that said

generating locales… done. Warning: Not compatible with locale

It stayed stuck at this screen, so I hard shut down the computer after about a half hour.

Now wubi won't boot. I'm considering dual-booting, but will Ubuntu actually start? Can Ubuntu mess up my Windows 7 installation?

Best Answer

If Ubuntu works on a LiveCD, it will likely work when you dual boot. Ubuntu cannot mess your Windows installation up unless you do it incorrectly.

To install it correctly, resize the Windows partition from within Windows 7. Do this by using the device manager (right click My Computer, click device manager, and then use the disk management section).

When you boot the LiveCD and go to the installation screen, it will offer to install alongside Windows 7. Use that option and you should have no further issues, and it will offer to boot Windows on startup.

If you have a Windows 7 DVD, and later want to restore the boot loader for Window 7, you can also do that, but you wouldn't be able to load Ubuntu in that case.

Ubuntu cannot harm your computer btw.

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