Ubuntu – Will Android apps be compatible with the Ubuntu Phone OS


I have heard that there is some similarity in the code used for both Ubuntu and Android programs, but has there been any mention in all the recent publicity over the forthcoming Ubuntu OS for phones, whether or not existing Android apps will be compatible with Ubuntu?

Best Answer

So far, the Ubuntu QML toolkit is just a preview, so there is no definite answer possible. But Richard Collins, head of Ubuntu mobile products, has stated in an engadget interview:

Q: Since Android is also Linux-based, is there any plan for Ubuntu to run Android apps?

A: Many Android developers already use Ubuntu as their desktop OS and we have a very close affinity with them. We intend to encourage them to make their Android applications run on Ubuntu, but we won't engineer any middleware for running Android apps. Developers are intelligent and capable enough to make their apps run on our devices. We have an active initiative right now to directly help them achieve this.

So this makes it pretty clear: the apps should be either web apps or ported to Ubuntu.