Ubuntu – Wifi works but doesn’t start automatically on ubuntu 11.10


Good evening everyone, I have got an issue which I hope you will help me to solve.
I was trying to update my Kernel in ubuntu from this web-site
And everything went smooth. But, for some reason, my wifi doesn't work in new Kernel so I decided to switch back to my old one 3.0.0-17 generic and to my surprise WIFI doesn't start automatically eventhou it was working. What I mean is that I have to click on wifi icon and put a mark Enable Wireless.

This is not a really serious issue but I don't like switch on everytime at log in my WIFI because before that it was working when system started.

What is the cause of this and how to fix it.

Thank you very much for you help.

Best Answer

You may be have a common issue with a clash between the asus-wmi kernel module and your asus driver.

Suggestion - copy and paste (line by line) the following into a terminal:

sudo modprobe -r asus-wmi

cd /etc/modprobe.d

sudo nano blacklist.conf

Then add blacklist asus-wmi as a new line at the end of the file.

Save and reboot.

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