Ubuntu – Wifi Connectivity problems when using WPA/WPA2 Encryption


This just seems like a common problem, however I was not able to find a solution on the net. For some reason Ubuntu doesn't like WPA/WPA2 personal encryption. I can connect to the network fine (others have reported they are not able to connect and the 'Authentication Required Window' keeps on appearing), however I am unable to connect to the internet.

When I change the security settings of the router to 'Open' or to 'WEP' I can connect fine. However 'WEP' slows down the connection by a factor of 2.
Several people have suggested to use 'wicd' instead of 'network-manager' I tried that but I got the same problems.

Please note that I have had this problem with Ubuntu 11.10 and now it seems it has carried over to 12.04.

Also note that I dont think it is a problem with the wireless router (Medialink) because my Windows 7 machine, iPad and Android phone all connect fine.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I don't think this is an Ubuntu problem per se -- it is likely caused by the interaction between your wireless chipset, software driver, and the software and hardware of the wireless access point or router. I've seen this with various devices from completely different vendors, running different OS's, and issues with connecting with wireless routers/AP's from different enterprise vendors (Cisco, Meru, Aruba, etc.). In other words, it is likely not restricted to Ubuntu.

The driver situation in Linux is getting better and better, but you may want to track down specifics for your chipset and make sure you have the most recent drivers. Also, do some searches to see if there are known issues with the brand/model of your wireless router or AP and your hardware.
Often, the most recent driver can be found on the laptop or adapter vendor's website.

What is your computer model, wireless device model, and router model (i.e., what model of "Medialink")? lspci and/or lshw should help you find your wireless model and perhaps chipset.

Here's some generic info: If you haven't already, run jockey-gtk to check your driver update status. You can also use the Super key (sometimes known as the Windows key) to open the dash, then type in "driver". "Additional drivers" should appear as an application. If nothing appears there, please check out the "Help" option there.

It will open an info page on proprietary drivers. At the bottom of that page, there's a link for more information, with a link to "Hardware & Drivers". Click through to that, scroll to "Common Problems", and finally, check the link which is titled, "Wireless network troubleshooter". If you're lucky, you'll find something helpful there as well.

Also see Supported Wireless cards and Ubuntu Wireless Networking Documentation.