Ubuntu – Why the upstart script doesn’t run


I don't understant why my script is not running. Here is what I did (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04).

I wrote a mountFTP.conf script:

description     "Mount the remote FTP for sync"

start on started tty1

curlftpfs ftp://admin:123456@ /FTP/
end script

I saved the script in /etc/init/ folder. If I use the command "service mountFTP start" it works, but it doesn't want to automatically start on boot…

I also tried with "strat on stratup" with no luck. I also added some log to the script to check if it is executed or not, and it is not executed at all.

Best Answer

Follow these steps:

sudo chown root:root yourscript.conf  
sudo chmod 644 yourscript.conf  
sudo mv yourscript.conf /etc/init  
cd /etc/init.d  
sudo ln -s /lib/init/upstart-job yourscript  
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