Ubuntu – Why the bash script only outputs one line on echoing awk variable


Anyone can probably tell I'm new at scripting and have tried doing as much homewaork before posting here. I have what I think is a simple script parsing out DNS zone file for IP and unique domain names. I have the results I want with the awk outout though I'm having trouble putting this all in a script to output an expected formated file for input into another system. the output is printing only one line per lookup.

addresses=($(grep '<uniquefield>' <filename> | awk -F'[ .]' '{print $5 "." $4 "." $3 "." $2"/"$1}'))
domains=($(grep -v '<uniquefield>' <filename> | awk '<uniquefield> {print $1}'|awk -F'.' 'sub(FS $(NF-4) FS $(NF-3) FS $(NF-2) FS $(NF-1) FS $NF,"")'))

echo ${addresses[1]}
echo ${domains[2]}

for i in "${addresses[@]}"
    echo $addresses, disable, , , >import.csv
for i in "${domains[@]}"
    echo $domains, disable, , , >>import.csv

Best Answer

You're not using the $i variable inside the loop

for i in "${addresses[@]}"; do
# ..^
    echo $addresses, disable, , , >import.csv
# .......^^^ should be: echo $i, ...

For an array variable, when you print the variable without specifying an index, bash seems to give you just the first element.

$ x=( one two three )
$ echo $x
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