Ubuntu – Why is there a minimize button in the Unity Dashboard


If you launch the Unity Dashboard, there are the traditional 3 buttons in the top-left-hand corner. They look (something) like this:

X ― □

The X closes the dash.
The □ either maximizes or minimizes the dash, depending on it's current state.
The ― does..

..What exactly?
I know it's faded out, but couldn't it have the same function as close, or almost the same but have the dash fold into the top-left-hand corner?

Note: I always have my dash maximized, so to me they are the close, minimize and minimize button. Please use the symbols, so i know which one you mean.

Best Answer

This was changed to be like this by design. I don't have access to the document listed there which discusses the design, but I'd imagine it's preferable to disable one of the three buttons rather than remove it. This gives a more consistent look across the system.

There are a couple bug reports citing this here and here. It was also brought up in this mailing list.

The brightness bug has been reported here.

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