Ubuntu – Why is `df -h` not showing the whole disk space

diskdisk-usagehard drive

I recently formatted my hdd to increase the partition size for Ubuntu. Despite the actual 170 GB free space (sda5), Ubuntu shows only 27 GB when prompted via properties. Here is my df-h output:

alper@ubuntu:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop0       29G  3.1G   26G  11% /
udev            956M  4.0K  956M   1% /dev
tmpfs           386M  884K  385M   1% /run
none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none            965M   80K  965M   1% /run/shm
/dev/sda5       173G  5.0G  169G   3% /host
/dev/sdb1       932G  439G  493G  48% /media/Alper
/dev/sda4       173G   66G  107G  39% /media/Storage
/dev/sda2       120G   85G   36G  71% /media/Windows 7

Gparted also shows the correct space values, but when I right click on home or file system, it shows 27 GB and does not let me copy necessary files (about 100 GB total). I tried previous "missing disk space" solutions around here but couldn't fix the problem. Hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

When installed using wubi (the Windows installer) the file system is limited to 30GB max, no matter what the target partition is. If you want to use more space, in fact, if you plan on using Ubuntu for anything other then testing, do a proper installation.

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