Ubuntu – Why does Upstart need `setgid` when I have `setuid` and the user is a member of the group


I'm attempting to configure Upstart to run a small utility that needs to access a tty as a system-wide daemon. When run from the command-line, the utility remains in the foreground and doesn't exit until a Ctrl+C; I've therefore omitted the expect stanza and Upstart is correctly tracking the PID. I've also created an unprivileged account for the daemon using adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login avrlirc.

On my system, the tty the utility needs to access is installed as:

crw-rw----   1 root dialout 166,   0 May 24 19:25 ttyACM0

So I added the user avrlirc (created above) to the dialout group. When I run the utility as avrlirc everything works as expected. I added the stanza setuid avrlirc to the Upstart configuration file, and the job fails with "can't open tty".

If I omit the setuid stanza, it works (so it's likely a permissions thing). If I add the setgid dialout stanza alongside the setuid, it also works.

So, why do I need setgid when I already have setuid and the user is a member of the appropriate group—why isn't that enough?

For reference, the Upstart job config file is:

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
console log
setuid avrlirc
setgid dialout
exec /usr/local/bin/avrlirc2udp -f -H -h <IP_ADDRESS> -t /dev/ttyACM0

Where <IP_ADDRESS> is the IPv4 address of the local box and within

Best Answer

setuid does not set supplementary groups, only primary group. See Upstart bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/812870 .

To verify the case, you can check grep Gid /proc/YOURPID/status vs id YOURUSER.