Ubuntu – Why does Pidgin refuse to connect to Facebook Chat


I have searched around the net for a solution to my problem. I gave myself an account user name for facebook so I could use the chat in Pidgin 2.10.3. However, no matter what I do, Pidgin refuses to enable the account and it gives me the same message:

username@chat.facebook.com/Pidgin disabled
Not Authorized

I used the tutorial on at this blog:

Best Answer

The settings have changed recently.

open pidigin accounts and edit the facebook account to the following:

Protocol: XMPP

Username: xyz (This might not be the username that you enter at facebook login page - But the one which you see on your timeline link - https://www.facebook.com/xyz)

Domain: chat.facebook.com

Resource: Pidgin (this is what is missing most of the time)

Password: xyx

Local alias: xyz

On the advanced tab:

Connect port: 5222

Connect server: chat.facebook.com