Ubuntu – Why can I not start cheese


I have install many applications and cheese was one of those but I can not open

I have tried cheese on debian 6.04 and cheese works fine but not on Ubuntu.

Maybe, I do not any drivers installed on the system? Because they are available. Do I have to install them?

If this is the cause of that, what can I do ,or when a driver it will be available?
(I send a report 2 launchpad of the system)

and because of that I can not use neither Ubuntu 3d or gnome shell or play 3d games.

my hardware display on terminal using command lspci was:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)

(..just about every hardware is from Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] on my laptop)

using cheese on terminal give me this error:

Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". (cheese:4163):
Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: 
The OpenGL version could not be determined

but after a new installation of ubuntu and update (did here a reboot)and new instalations of applications give me a different error before reboot on terminal that was:

(cheese:506): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter:
Unable to find suitable fbconfig for the GLX context: 
Unable to find fbconfig with rgba visual

but them after rebooting after installing aplication give the same error

Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". (cheese:4163):
Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: 
The OpenGL version could not be determined

i have also installed ubuntu 12.04 and cheese works fine like for example stellarium even without a driver installed

so should i try to upgrade ubuntu 11.04 to ubuntu 12.04 beta?
or wait for ubuntu 12.04 ?

i have upgrade ubuntu from 11.10 2 ubuntu 12.04 beta but still didn't work..

so i try to install ubuntu 12.04 beta from the start make a update and them install cheese it works like it did but them i also use synaptic and install all packages or applications from the markings on my ubuntu 11.10 .. and it seen all is working on the graphics better not fast but working like for exemple supertuxkart or stellarium

Best Answer

I think the answer above is incorrect. I also can not start cheese on my 12.04 setup with an NVIDIA GT240 graphics card. I am using the proprietary driver and the webcam works perfectly with Skype. Camorama does not work either.

I am using 12.04 updated today 18th April. This is Beta 2 updated.

I did a fresh installation on another machine (using the daily build) and the problem does not occur. I would suggest doing a fresh installation at the end of the month.