Ubuntu – Why are many options in gnome-tweak-tool inaccessible


When I run gnome-tweak-tool, a lot of the options are locked. In particular, I'm talking about the gnome shell theme, and the gnome shell extensions. They all have a "warning" type icon with an exclamation point next to them.

I am not logged in to a unity session or Gnome classic, just regular "Gnome"

Best Answer

Gnome in the login menu is gnome-shell. You need to have gnome-shell-extensions-common and gnome-shell-user-theme installed. There are a number of ways to do this, one is to use


to add the different extensions for your GS version. Another way is to add one of the PPAs that are available! such as webupd8's...

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team-gnome3/oneiric

editor's note: oneiric is EOL; adding this repository will probably break your system

If your extensions are not loading properly then check that your extension and gnome-shell version are the same :-)

sudo -H gedit /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com/metadata.json 

and look for shell version. You can edit the extension version to match your own, e.g. 3.2.1.