Firefox Update – When Will Version 37 Be Released?


I checked with Synaptic Package Manager and the latest is 36.0.1+…..

37 was released in March.

Best Answer

You can see from the full publishing history for Firefox in Ubuntu that v37 has been available in every supported version of Ubuntu in the hours following 2015-04-07 09:31:51 UTC.

In supported versions of Ubuntu (Precise, Trusty and Utopic) it's sitting in both the updates and security repos. In Vivid (which is still just about in development, it's just in the main repo.

You either...

  • ... have a stale package list (sudo apt-get update or click Update in your package manager)
  • ... are subscribed to a [seriously] stale mirror of the updates/security repos. Switch to another using the Software Sources dialogue.
  • ... aren't using a supported version of Ubuntu (Precise, Trusty, Utopic or Vivid). Upgrade.
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