Ubuntu – Where is the kernel directory for Ubuntu 12.10


I need to run the following instructions:

Run build.sh as follows from a terminal window, where
/path/to/expanded/folder is where build.sh is located, i.e.

cd /path/to/expanded/folder

sudo ./build.sh --kernel-dir /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

In my case, “the path to expanded folder” is home/sharon/savfl/ap-kernelmodule-1.0.14-13

Now, as for the kernel directory, I tried searching within almost all directories and managed to find the nearest match whose path is:


So, I issued the following command:

sharon@sharon:~/savfl/ap-kernelmodule-1.0.14-13$ sudo ./build.sh

[sudo] password for sharon:

And I got the following error message:

Unknown Option:

Usage: build.sh [options]

Options: –kernel-dir [DIRECTORY] :

DIRECTORY is to set kernel headers/makefiles directory to build kernel

The default is /usr/src/kernels/3.5.0-21-generic-x86_64

–kernel-rel [RELEASE] : RELEASE is to set which kernel release
the kernel modules are builded for

The default is the current kernel release(3.5.0-21-generic)

–debug : Build the kernel modules with debugging

–clean : Delete all generated files

–version : Display the version number of the build

–help : Display this help

Can someone help me with this please?

Please note that prior to doing the above I have installed the linux-headers relevant to my current kernel version with the following command:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers- build-essential

I am new to Linux and Ubuntu; hence detailed how-to instructions would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Instruction source : http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH95496

Best Answer

I think --kernel-dir is not a placeholder to replace with something. It is a parameter to the build.sh to specify kernel dir. The kernel dir is /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build. (The uname -r defines the installed kernel details.)

Try sudo ./build.sh --kernel-dir /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

Don't alter uname -r with anything. It will automatically place the kernel version for the command.