Ubuntu – Where is the Accessibility mouse click lock


I've been a user of Linux on the desktop off and on again over the years. I very nearly switched my primary computer to Ubuntu prior to the release of Windows 7. There were a few, but significant issues at the time that prevented wholesale adoption, mostly tethering with my phone and lousy VPN Client.

One key component I could count on was the Accessibility features. I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 and am considering giving it another try, but it appears Ubuntu has taken a leap backwards in that it no longer has a click lock feature for the mouse.

Basically I need the ability to press and hold the left button to trigger a locking of the button so I can move the mouse by way of a trackpoint with my prosthesis. I absolutely require this feature and it is a deal breaker if it won't work. I've tried the Dwell keys but this is a chaotic control at best. I've never been able to manage a drag of any kind.

Best Answer

Have you looked at xte? It's part of the xautomation package.

sudo apt-get install xautomation

It's pretty stable, so you shouldn't need to do any compiling or hacking.

Typing xte "mousedown 1" on a console seems to do what you're looking for. It simulated a click and hold of the first mouse button. The button appears to stay clicked until I click another mouse button.

To make the UI work the way you want, you could add xte "mousedown 1" to a keybinding. When you hit that key, you'll get the click-and-hold you describe.

If you want the click-and-hold behaviour on a mouse click, you could try looking at Compiz. I believe Compiz allows binding commands to mouse button presses.

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