Ubuntu – Where does Google Chrome put .desktop files


I wanted to use Whatsapp Web but since there's no PWA app or a native app written for Ubuntu… I had a really good idea, it's like electron apps.
Just use Chrome for a shortcut, so I did.

The problem is that the icon is really annoying, and I wanted to change it, so the Unity Dash will be as fine as I want.

Chrome "Add to desktop..." feature

Translated: Chrome menu -> More tools -> Add to desktop…

The thing is… I searched a lot and I can't tell where chrome puts that .desktop files.. because Unity Dash recognizes it!
So I looked for it in /usr/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications and it's not there!

I just want to edit that .desktop file, please help.

Best Answer

Chrome creates two .desktop files, one on the desktop (in ~/Desktop) and another in ~/.local/share/applications. The latter is shown in the Dash. To find it, run

grep -ri "whatsapp" ~/.local/share/applications

E.g. mine was called chrome-hnpfjngllnobngcgfapefoaidbinmjnm-Default.desktop. I was able to edit the Icon field and have it take effect in the Dash.

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