Ubuntu – What’s wrong with using sudo


In a comment here I've been told that unnecessarily using sudo should be avoided. While it wasn't needed in that particular case, I don't see any harm in using it.

I think that when executing trivial programs like cat as root using sudo, the overall risk of hitting a bug that would somehow compromise system security is very low.

So can someone please point out the possible implications, besides typing 4 more characters and a space?

Best Answer

The risk of a typo is more than the risk of a bug.

The risk of gaining a habit of "it doesn't work, stick sudo on it!" is much higher than the risk of a bug.

As a sysadmin who's seen people execute all sorts of random commands with sudo that didn't need them, I always caution against superfluous usage of sudo.

While cat isn't harmful, the habit that this encourages is.

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