Ubuntu – What starts accounts-daemon

command lineinitservicesupstart

Question is simple: what starts the accounts service daemon on Ubuntu 14.04?

root     11495     1  0 13:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon

pstree tells me that it's started by init

     |                |-dnsmasq
     |                `-3*[{NetworkManager}]

But when I do sudo grep -iR 'accounts-daemon' /etc/* it returns nothing, so obviously there is nothing in /etc/init or /etc/init.d or /etc/rc*.d directories that starts that daemon, hence the question, where is it ?

My main goal is to disable autostart of the accounts services daemon on boot.

Best Answer

It's a DBUS service.

root@user-VirtualBox:~# grep -ir accounts-daemon /usr /etc
Binary file /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon matches

Another way:

root@user-VirtualBox:~# dpkg -S /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon
accountsservice: /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon

root@user-VirtualBox:~# dpkg -L accountsservice

To disable it, rename DBUS service file:

sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.Accounts.service /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.Accounts.service.disabled