Ubuntu – What happens when suspended


I have a laptop – Lenovo T60.

When I close the lid, I see that the machine goes into suspended mode. The moment I open the lid, the laptop is instantly a live.

My concern – Does going into suspended mode make it safe to trasnport the computer – eg: travel on a bumpy road.

I ask because I'm not sure which parts shut off… For example, if the hard drive is still running, I'd say it's never safe to travel with the laptop in this mode.

I'd like some thoughts on this. Thanks!

Best Answer

Suspend writes the info to RAM (memory) & still uses power: drive(s), cpu and the moniter(s) are powered off.
The RAM modules are placed in self refresh mode and the CPU is powered off. The chipset is responsible for using the standby power to stay on enough to reactivate the main power supply when a button is pressed

and if you want to know what hibernate is:

Hibernate writes info to hard drive then powers laptop off.
Hibernate is resumed by pressing the power button.

So in terms of optimising battery life hibernate is better, but can take as much time as powering off, suspend is quicker but still uses power.

And in your question concerning hdd life. You should be able to drive over bumpy roads because the disk drive stops spinning.

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