Ubuntu – What are the possible commands to reset a wifi connection


I am affected by the bug that occasionally my wifi connection is broken on resume from suspend. The problem manifests as follows:


enter image description here

What are possible commands I can try to run from the command-line to reset my wifi connection without having to restart my system?

Best Answer

Please open a terminal and do:

sudo gedit  /etc/systemd/system/wifi-resume.service

Use nano or kate or leafpad if you don't have the text editor gedit. A new empty file will open. Add the following:

Description=Local system resume actions

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl restart network-manager.service


Proofread carefully twice, save and close the text editor. Now do:

sudo chmod +x  /etc/systemd/system/wifi-resume.service

And next:

sudo systemctl enable wifi-resume.service

Reboot and let us know if the problem is solved.