Ubuntu – What are some good GUI diff and merge applications available for Ubuntu


What are some alternatives to WinMerge and the pros and cons of each?

Best Answer

The best I like is Meld

There are many choices available though. As a vim fan I find myself using vimdiff, kompare for the kde crowd - there also some paid version that have linux versions like Beyond Compare . The pros/cons depends on what you're looking for/looking to do.

vimdiff is great because you can run it from a terminal, over an ssh connection, and if you already use vim, you get to keep your tools/config options.

Meld has a pretty clean user interface, and does three way and directory diffs. You'll have to try a couple and see which does the job as you're expecting them to do for your own needs.

To install MeldMeld app page from the Ubuntu repos, you can run:

sudo apt-get install meld

You can then pick the files/folders to compare, and compare them: enter image description here enter image description here